Because of the pandemic life as we know, it was put on hold in almost every way imaginable. From lockdowns to online schooling, to basically everything in between. What this meant when applied to school was that everyone felt the restrictions keenly, whether it was in sports or drama or any number of clubs, nothing was left untouched. And when it comes to the music program this meant that things like concerts, trips and festivals were removed entirely from the equation for over two years. So, when it was announced that the annual trip to Whistler for the Con Brio festival would be going through this year, to say excitement was running high would be an understatement. This was really the first big trip since restrictions had eased, and because of the pandemic it was also many peoples first major music program trip ever. For a while the news almost didn’t seem real, I can’t speak to other people but to me waiting for this trip felt a lot like holding my breath, expecting it to be cancelled at almost any moment. To be honest it wasn’t really until the lunchtime meeting reviewing expectations came that I started to let the excitement sink in, and it wasn’t until the night before that I let myself think wow, this is actually happening.
To be honest, watching the performances was one of the best parts of the trip, whether they were our ensembles or mandatory audiences, and just observing the other schools that were milling around and existing with us. I know, who would have guessed that the best part of the festival was the actual festival part. All jokes aside, the atmosphere of the entire thing was just amazing, and when the KSS concert choir actually got up to perform I was kind of surprised I wasn’t more nervous. Our adjudication afterwards by Doctor Fressien really just sealed the deal and made the whole experience so much richer, a good adjudicator is worth more than gold when it comes to a festival, and if this was that we got more than our weight in it. Of course I have to congratulate our choir for getting a well deserved gold standard for that performance, how could I not when all of us, students and Ms. Howle alike, worked so incredibly hard!? Those three days were a lot of things, but they were never boring, and above all they were filled with music. The music of KSS and the music of others as well. And the final gala concert where we heard from some unbelievably talented musicians who had come down just for the purpose to share that with us, as well as a Vocal Jazz group from one of the other schools who really gave it all and blew us all away. Now it’s time for me to get sappy in the conclusion, because to be honest I’d forgotten just how good it felt to be on a trip like this. Of course music is music no matter where you make it, and being able to have any kind of music program during the pandemic was a monumental effort and something I’m endlessly grateful for, but there's something special about trips and festivals, and this one felt particularly so because it had just been so long. I know it’s cheesy but it’s special to be able to travel somewhere with people you like to do something you care about so much. It’s special to perform and to watch other people perform and it’s special to be able to share that with so many people from so many different bands and choirs from across the province. The best thing about music is how it brings people together, and there is literally nothing more exemplary of that than different people from so many different bands and choirs and schools all coming together to share music with each other and the people running the festival. And I know that when I look back on my school years and my time in the music program these are going to be the things I remember above everything else. Not just the big moments, the singing or the driving, but the little ones as well. Going out for ice-cream, crowding into elevators with way too many people, taking advantage of the hotel's fantastic pool and even more fantastic fluffy white robes, waffles and whipped cream and strawberries. And I didn’t even mind waking up early for (most) of it. So here’s to many more trips and adventures in the future, and here’s especially to the people who make them all possible!