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My First Year at KSS 2021

Taryn Fyfe

Updated: Sep 25, 2022

My first year of high school was definitely different because of Covid-19 spreading around. There were many restrictions that were constantly changing. This made the transition a little bit more confusing. There were some downsides to starting grade eight, but most of them relate to Covid. For the most part, I thought this year was really good. Moving from elementary school to high school was a lot different than I thought it would be, but it definitely gave me more freedom. I know most people were excited to be able to leave campus at lunchtime. I was happy about that too. Being able to walk to town at lunch or after school with friends is really fun. In elementary school, I wasn’t allowed in the building at lunchtime unless it was raining really hard. Being able to stay inside during lunch was a great improvement.

Going to different classes is also something I didn't do in elementary school. I really liked switching electives for the term. Last year I had to be stuck in the same classroom all day. I’ve met a lot of new people here that came from so many different schools. My favorite classes I've been in so far are art, humanities, and careers.

This year I joined grade eight volleyball with some of my friends. My favorite was game days which were every Wednesday. When I played volleyball in grades six and seven, my team only went to a few games, so I loved going to games this year. My skills in volleyball definitely improved this season. I’m definitely going to join volleyball next year.

Even though starting high school can be very scary and daunting, it is also very exciting. Meeting new people, joining extracurriculars, and getting some independence make it all worthwhile. I hope that all the students starting grade eight next year have lots of fun and lots of success.



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