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My First Year at KSS 2020

Terese Bruner

Updated: Sep 25, 2022

The beginning of my year started with new beginnings and fresh faces. Well unfortunately as fresh as a new face can be whilst being covered by a mask. KSS was a very welcoming and safe environment for the new grade eights giving us many opportunities and electives to try and peak an interest for next year. My favorite elective was art but each class is taught by a different unique fun teacher. The new amount of work we were faced with seemed fairly easy because the teachers taught us everything we needed to know to succeed. KSS is also riddled with opportunities for making new friends with the same hobbies and interests. A very good example is leadership. Leadership is a lunch time activity every Monday and Wednesday in the Multi Purpose Room (MPR). In leadership you get to meet a big group of smiling faces of all ages and grades taught by one of the most fun kind teachers Mrs. Reid. We get to create fun spirit days for the whole school to enjoy. I have made a wonderful group of friends with the same interests as me in only one of the fun activities that the school oers. As I mentioned before I love art and KSS offers one of the best art programs I've ever seen. In art you'll be able to find some form of creative creations that you'll enjoy such as sculpting, clay,stop motion, animation, drawing techniques, acrylic painting, watercolor, chalk pastels, and many more fun activities. My art teacher was Mrs. Daniel who was the sweetest teacher who taught me a lot even though she's a math and science teacher. I've always liked art but she taught me about skills I didn't even know I possessed. Overall my year was what you would expect for a year at high school except better. I am looking forward to moving into grade nine next year!

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