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2021 Leadership Fundraising!

Sophie Bruner

This school year has been a record breaking year for KSS the Leadership class.

As a leadership student, I started out this year with a feeling we would be significantly less successful in our attempts to fundraise due to the tragic impacts of COVID-19. I am incredibly happy to say I have never been more wrong. The strict rules of the pandemic did not allow us to do things the way they were done in the past, creating a blockade we needed to jump over. In my opinion, this only made our class more creative in the way that we did things. This generated more school spirit and energy to achieve our goals as a class. Lead by our truly fearless leader Devon Reid, KSS had our largest food drive ever. Over a span of two weeks 1296 food items and $879.00 was collected and donated to the local food bank as part of our 12 days of giving initiative. We also had smaller fundraisers throughout the year, $805.90 was donated to the BC Children's Hospital after our Jeans day. The Bartathon was game changing to say the very least, with a grand total of $4224.15 collected, it is the single most successful fundraiser ever done by Kwalikum Secondary!

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