The KSS vs. Ballenas food drive had high stakes this year. The winner earned the esteemed Willis Cup, while the loser was forced to hang a banner confessing their love for the rival school. While these factors may have ignited the Kondor’s competitive spirit, the core motivation was to give back to the community. It is important to remember that selflessness, unity, and gratitude are what this event is really about. It is the 12 Days of Giving not the 12 Days of Winning.
KSS make a significant contribution to the food bank, and collected more items than Ballenas! Quite an impressive feat considering the size of their school and the much larger student population. With their final count at 834 items and around $70, they also showed significant effort and enthusiasm. However, it was no match for our school spirit!
Perhaps it was our delightful chipmunk mascots Chucky and Chirpy who prompted students to donate. Everyone seemed to enjoy their quirky antics and beautiful singing blaring through the speakers each day. Many students were motivated by the golden chalice, the Willis Cup. The true origin of this cup and name will remain a mystery, but it can be known for the phrase “Good Will-is the way.”
Almost every class had food and money in their collection bag. Some classes had multiple boxes and bags overflowing with donated items. When the items for the daily prizes were announced over the speakers, teachers were eager to call into the office if they had the bonus item. Every day, at least one class had the bonus item, showing that people were eager to donate right from the get-go. However, it was in the final days, even the final hours of the food drive when people donated the most. Classes were desperate for those last couple of points that might earn them a win.
When all the points were tallied the top classes were announced. In first place was Johnson/Meier’s class with 354 points ($310, 44 items). In second place came Craven/Howell’s band class with 221 points ($158, 63 items). And in third place was Mr. Dykstra’s class with 157 points ($40, 117 items). This year KSS collected $754.75 and 1,241 items to donate to the food bank.
Whether the motivation came from prizes, the Willis cup, a need to defeat Ballenas, or giving spirit, each student who donated to the food drive contributed to our win and gave back to the community. Ms. Reid and her leadership team, as well as the Ballenas Leadership team, deserve thanks for their hard work organizing and promoting the event. It’s worth noting the role teachers played in encouraging their classes to donate and leading by example. Though there could only be a first, second and third place, we all won by helping out our community. Well done KSS, you gave it your all for the 12 days of giving.