The KSS grad council and parent committee has been working hard to plan a variety of fundraisers that will take place through the year. Prom is a very exiting, and very expensive event. It is the responsibility of the grade twelve students to participate in four fundraisers, or pay a significantly larger prom fee. Many students do not know what fundraisers are happening, and how they can get involved.
This Monday December 12th there will be a fundraiser called Rent a Grad, held in the MPR. A number of grade 12 students will be auctioned off by Mr. Barton, all bidding will start at 5 dollars! If you win the auction and end up renting a grad they will be yours for the whole day on December 14th! They will do whatever you say (within reason) for the whole day. They can do your homework, drive you around, carry your things for you, or just want to spend time with one of your friends. Whatever it may be, it has to be safe and school appropriate. All proceeds from this auction will go to the grad committee for prom.
There will be a bottle drive on January 8th, where KSS grads will volunteer to collect and sort as many bottles as possible in order to and raise money. To sign up for the bottle drive contact any member of grad council!
If you want to stay up to date on grad fundraisers and events throughout the year check out the instagram account @kssgrad2023 for all the information you'll need.