The Omicron variant was unsettling news to receive over the winter break. School in British Columbia was postponed for 10 days while education officials worked on new guidelines for safety in our schools. It will take some time and flexibility to get used to these new rules. Some quick reminders for Kwalikum Secondary students and staff: Covid has been difficult for everyone in many different ways. One of the biggest concerns, aside from contracting and spreading the virus itself, is the serious strain on mental health. Trying to be understanding if friends or students seem distant or irritable is very important these days. These times are incredibly stressful. If you’re struggling try talking to a counsellor, friend, or teacher about what you’re going through. We could all use some kindness at the moment so don’t be stingy with it. Do yourself a favour by prioritizing your mental health and minding the guidelines.
For the safety of yourself and others, the faculty of Kwalikum Secondary is asking that students, staff, and visitors respect the rules and guidelines put in place. Some of those rules and guidelines are listed below:
Check in with yourself each morning before coming to school. If you’re feeling sick, make the responsible decision and stay home.
Use the hand sanitizing stations as much as possible, especially before and after eating.
Masks should be kept on at all times. If you need to eat in class, check with your teacher first. Masks should cover your nose, mouth, and chin.
Take notice of the directional arrows in the hallways to try and maintain as much social distancing as possible. The staircase by the office is up only!
Do not use the CEAP and TIDES hallway as a passage through to KSS.