Ryne Barton runs for 24 hours in the KSS fundraiser for Tour De Rock

On Thursday May 27th, Ryne Barton took on a task that would seem impossible to the average homosapien. Barton ran loops around Kwalikum Secondary School for 24 hours as a fundraiser for Tour De Rock. The event was suitably titled e 24 Hour Bartathon, and has by far been the most successful event KSS has carried out. The school collected over four thousand dollars in a span of less than two weeks to be given to Tour de Rock in September. There was so much energy put into this, from all parties involved, but everyone is eager to do it again next year! A large part of what made the Bartathon so exciting was the opportunities for students and sta to collect pledges and run alongside Barton. The half-hour time slots filled up quickly as many people wanted to run for long periods of time, others simply wanted to support their teacher. “ It seemed fun and Barton has done a lot for our school”, says Jessie Bell. Bell ran a full marathon alongside Barton after only signing up for one half hour slot. She decided this was something she wanted to do. Bell ran for a long time and decided to complete the marathon spur of the moment, “ I looked down at 32 km and said, I’m doing a marathon, we are almost done.”. This type of student support is a huge factor in the success of the fundraiser, it is people like Barton and Bell who really make a dierence. Kwalikum Secondary students might think twice before complaining about the twenty minute gym runs after seeing their teacher complete over three marathons in a twenty-four-hour trek. At 8:30 am his ankles were swollen, he was physically and mentally exhausted, and he was starting to hit a wall. Barton quickly realized how close he was to three full marathons, and like the flash, Barton began to run faster than he would seem capable of in his condition. It was truly remarkable! KSS is so proud of Mr. Barton for his hardwork and dedication to this fundraiser and we feel eternally grateful for all he has done.